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Our new Zapier Integration

We understand how important it is to have your all systems communicate with each other seamlessly. That's why we're proud to announce Smorg's Zapier integration.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is workflow automation tool that makes connections to 1000's of different business applications. What it allows you to do is customise these connections to suit your needs, all without any programming needed. 


What's the Smorg Zapier Integration?

Smorg now joins this ecosystem, which means that you can now connect your App to thousands of business applications.

For example:

  • Connect your App to Mailchimp to automatically email new users when they sign up, and add them to your mailing list.

  • Segment your customers so that you know for example which signed up for a trial but didn't subscribe, who recently cancelled, who have been absent from the app for more than 1 month and so on.

  • Connect the App to your WooCommerce or Shopify sites


If you want to learn more about how we support Zapier and how it could be useful for your business, please contact us.

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