Are there any weight loss strategies that have been clinically evidenced to lead to sustained weight loss? This article discusses some techniques that have been proven to work.

Analysing Strategies that work
In this research study, out of 18 strategies that were analysed, only 5 were "statistically significant" and proven to work.

They were the following:
1. Self monitoring weight
2. Planned meals ahead of time
3. Self monitoring intake
4. Self monitoring calories
5. Choosing low calorie options of particular foods
What's interesting in this study are the techniques that were not successful, including goal setting, mindful eating, choosing small portion sizes, eating late at night - I'm sure contrary to what you may have thought.
You may have also heard about intuitive eating, how effective is this? According to this study, not effective at all, with no significant differences in weight and BMI to a control group!
So when you are planning your next dietary intervention, it's worth considering the 5 techniques shown above. In the study, participants were following a low calorie diet, but as we'll show in another blog post, pretty much all diets work, and hence if you were choosing a low carb diet, then the metric of choice would be carbohydrates rather than calories.
Find out how you can use all of these techniques in your own App by signing up to Smorg Studio!